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     Passage of the little prince




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55 x 75 cm       2018
oil on canvas, wood

This adaptation, pertaining to more than one perspective, presents an amalgamation of multiple elements found in Saint-Exupéry’s 1943 book ‘ Le petit prince’.

The more I painted it, the more I admired the distinct presence of each world, as well a wonder about the little prince’s long and formidable search. Never realizing if I was depicting his passage in space, or over time, I believe the power of his quest comes from its equivocation.


The Juggling Snake



48 x 55 cm  2019
acrylic on canvas, wood



40 x 50 cm  2018
acrylic on canvas

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Let's make a smoothie

93 x 122 cm  2018
acrylic on canvas, wood , linoleum

The storm (light).jpg


50 x 50 cm  2017
oil on canvas, wood

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Dream of thirst

50 x 50 cm 2017
acrylic on canvas, wood


50 x 50 cm 2017
oil on canvsa



26 x 26 cm 2016
acrylic on canvas, wood



City in my dreams

50 x 50cm 2017
acrylic on canvas, wood


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Cafe story


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